As a new comer, I have a lot of thing to learn in this company such as doing rate inquiry and triangle trade SOP. Many things are suddenly crammed into my brain. I am not only just need to work hard but also work overtime to almost nine o’clock everyday.
Due to the stress, I always wore a porker face during work time. My manager told me I should smile more and relax. Honestly, I have been feel very nervous for the past week, and forgot to build the relationship with my colleagues. I really hope I could tune this situation.
By the way, someone in my company also call Rita Wu. Therefore, I have to change my name to Fiona. Good grief, I am still not using to it.
週日去IKEA搬了便宜的桌椅回來組裝 (有空再拍照片吧~我有一把紅椅子喲!),實在很喜歡成品!
About Work, still training....and I don't have any idea will continue to when, not online yet, keep learning :-)
btw, this evening Jacky and I visited the DOULOS at fishermen pier, I really like the idea about the international volunteers, and also the books and hope they bring in. If you are interested, go to visit. 4/3~4/28 at Kaosiung, Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 to 22:00 ,Sunday and Monday: 14:00 to 22:00.
今天回來看到我家南妹開了個碎碎念專區, 那我也來個喃喃自語吧。
(新工作很忙, 之前懶病發作而沒發的文, 看來現在...會更難發, 喃喃自語可能簡單一點...)